Please feel free to post your questions, if case you have any, in the comments on this article. I hope it was useful! You can see a lot of other MS Word Tips on TechWelkin. In the “Replace with” box, you can write whatever you want to replace the found text with. If you want to look only for digits from 1 to 4, you can use either of the following expression: For example, if you want to find only 4, 7 and 9 you should write the following in “Find what” box:

If you want to replace only certain digits, you can alter the search query.
#Microsoft word find and replace italics how to
SEE ALSO: How to Replace Images in MS Word If you want to delete all the numbers from your document, just keep the “Replace with” box empty and click “Replace all”… this action will effectively replace every numerical digit with nothing. It is very important that you select Use wildcards because this will enable MS Word to understand your search demand. Our tips on MS-Word make your life easier and increase your productivity at work. Please note that it will find each digit individually, that is to say that if 2012 is written in the document –this search will find four digits and not 2012 as a whole number. Now press Find button and MS Word will find you the first number (i.e. In the extended box, select Use wildcards Now, in Find what box type () MS Word: Find and Replace Numbers, Digits, NumeralsĬlick on More > button to reveal more options for Find and Replace. Press CTRL + H keys to bring Find and Replace box up.

In the email message or item youre creating, on the Format Text tab, in the Editing group, choose Replace. Select the Close button to close the Find and Replace dialog box (see figure 15). You can search for a specific word or phrase and change the font color, for example, or you can search for specific formatting, such as bold, and change it. &0183 &32 Or, use the Find Next button and Replace buttons to make one replacement at a time (see figure 14). Open the document where replacement is to be done. You can search for and replace or remove character formatting. It is quite easy to accomplish this using Find and Replace facility given in MS-Word. At times we find ourselves in a situation wherein we need to find and replace numbers in a Word document. MS Word is a powerful word processing tool from Microsoft.